Dear Veterans

The study of history has always fascinated me. Someone much wiser than I once said, “it’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.” I would completely agree! The history of a people brings clarity to the future and without a collective understanding of the past we can easily make similar mistakes so many valiantly fought to correct before us. The past makes us grateful for the present knowing we didn’t stumble into freedom rather our freedom was earned by the courage and sacrifice of those who came before. The story of our country continues to unfold and our freedom has proven to be more than a one-time transaction. From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror men and women have answered the call on behalf of so many to risk all for the benefit of others. America is a great place full of opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and happiness so this week let’s celebrate our veterans for the heroes they are. I can’t think of a more worthy group to honor and praise. This is a small gesture compared to your sacrificial gift but I know there are thousands more who would second these words if possible.

Dear Veteran,

Thank you for your willingness to risk all for the benefit others. When most people turn away from conflict and back down from fear you step forward. You’ve demonstrated through action that freedom isn’t achieved passively but earned. You don’t seek praises or recognition but point humbly to the honor of serving. You deployed for months and years apart from family and friends so that others could enjoy theirs. Your bravery and courage, the extent of which is hard to comprehend, is held as an example for us all. 

This weekend, we celebrate you for your tremendous sacrifice. As we enjoy time with our families and gather together all across our community to worship freely, we remember those who have stood in the gap and are currently standing to give us those freedoms. Let us never take your sacrifice for granted. We honor and thank God for you.   


        T. Craig Rush

For those of us who aren’t veterans we have a great opportunity this week to show appreciation for those who have given so much. No matter our age, sex, religion, or race we have all benefited from the freedoms paid for through the sacrifice of our veterans. Most of us have a veteran in our family, neighborhood, or church so would you join me this week in showing gratitude to those who’ve served. We can write a note or set aside time for a visit. History can be learned from a book but the best way to preserve our history is to hear the accounts of those who experienced it. Ask a veteran if they’d be willing to share a story or two and thank them for their service. Our past always brings clarity to the present and future so let’s not forget the sacrifice of those before us. We owe it to previous and future generations not to become apathetic toward the immense freedoms we enjoy. 

“Not to know what has been transacted in former times is to be always a child. If no use is made of the labors of past ages, the world must remain always in the infancy of knowledge.” Cicero 

Craig Rush