Follow the Leader
We live in a world of overwhelming decision-making. Take a moment and think back over all the decisions in your day today. I bet it’s overwhelming!
Just recently I found myself in a Starbucks with an acute case of decision paralysis. My wife, who’s a Starbucks connoisseur, ordered the most complex cup of coffee I’d ever heard, and all I could do was stand back in awe. It was a language all to its own and I could feel the connection between barista and consumer. It was like the barista had been waiting all day for someone to order up such a challenging concoction of skimmed milk, dulce, cinnamon sprinkle perfection!
And then it was my turn….
All I could muster up was a large Americano black. I was nervous and visibly shaken. The barista was kind but wondering how in the world someone with such exquisite taste, so beautiful and sophisticated, could end up with a person who can’t even differentiate between large and venti?
I wanted to thrive in Starbuck’s culture, but the endless barrage of choices left my heart longing for the simple (r) bliss of McCafe.
I’ve been thinking a lot these days about decisions and all the choices that go into life. Someone once said that the fabric of our life is comprised of a million different choices. At times, the inundation of choices can be paralyzing just like I felt in Starbucks. The pressure mounts with the perceived weight of our choice and our fears begin to percolate.
What if I make a wrong move? What if I fail? What if I disappoint those around me? The what if’s that prowl through my mind relentlessly like a pack of wolves.
Amidst the plethora of decisions inherent in a culture of affluence and opportunity, I’ve found solace in an age-old proverb. Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved (Proverbs 16:3). Wait just a minute! Doesn’t that proverb seem out of order?
God’s not a micromanager. He’s sovereign and yet He gives man the freedom to choose. He’s my Lord and my Leader and when I make it my aim to honor Him in all that I do my plans can’t help but succeed. It’s when I put my plans front and center and ask the Lord’s blessing that things begin to unravel. Decisions prayerfully committed to God, and His honor, lead me into deeper relationship with God, reciprocating the joy of God back in my life.
The bottom line is that a prayerful decision aimed at following and honoring God can’t lead me astray. Even if things don’t work out immediately or close all together, I can rest in the peace of God knowing His will always comes to pass and His will is good and perfect!