New Year, Same Great People

Morning routines, school zones, buses, marching bands, and football are just a few indications that another school year has begun! Everyone is generally happy in our household except for the dog, Teddy. He’s not sure why everyone has chosen to disappear all the sudden in the middle of the day! With a new year comes new opportunities for relationships, goals, and learning. Fresh starts always make me excited!

Every year has a little different flavor, but one thing that remains consistent is the great people who invest in our local kids! The teachers, administrators, and faculty in our local school systems are some of the best people on the planet and our community is the recipient! Having kids in the local school system and a wife that teaches in a nearby school system, I get a personal perspective of just how dedicated our local teachers are and the impact they make on lives every day! It’s a challenging world to navigate as youth these days and the reassuring voice of a teacher can totally change the trajectory of a life.

I like how one particular translation states Luke 6:38, “Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back- given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” Teachers seem to understand this principle more than most, especially those in our community. I see the joy on my wife’s face when her students succeed and there really is no greater joy than investing in the life of another and seeing that person reach new heights. It’s been my experience that teachers really do it for the kids! You get life when you give life!

Thank you to all the teachers and administrators for answering the call to invest in the next generation and know that many in our community are praying for you! We all are recipients of your hard work and may we as the larger community always show our gratitude. You’re shaping the future leaders by instilling knowledge and values that will impact us all.

We have a lot to be thankful for as a community! What a great time to express that as we launch into a new school year. I hope we’ll all look for ways to show our gratitude for all the unsung heroes who make our community such a special place. People who could be doing an array of things but have chosen to give their lives away by investing in others. We all know a teacher, first responder, coach, or someone who’s quietly giving their lives away for the betterment of us all. Can we take some time at the start of this school year to write a note of appreciation or some other tangible act to those who serve our community? One thing we can all do is pray and prayer goes a long way!

There’s a lot of challenges in our world today and particularly for the next generation, but I also see so much potential in our youth. Our teachers are the ones fanning that flame and I hope we’ll continue to show our gratitude and support as a community! It really is a special place!     



Craig Rush