
Life, along with a couple stories I recently heard, have me thinking a lot these days about providence. Not the dreamy city in Rhode Island (I’ve never been there I just imagine it to be dreamy), but the hand of God that guides the cosmos all the way down to the numbered days of my life. I’ll save the Sitz im Leben for another time, but I would like to share the stories.

My dad has been in the ministry for 30 + years and one of the most faithful men I know. He and my mom seek the Lord’s direction daily and the Lord responds to their prayers. I haven’t always appreciated it, but the more life is behind me I realize the gift of being exposed to faith practically lived out. I really can’t think of a better gift. Recently, my dad shared a story with me about an important decision made years ago involving our entire family. From a posture of prayer and discernment, God provided direction through a pocket full of pens and a set of wire-rimmed glasses! That pocket full of pens and wire-rimmed glasses had an impact on my future wife and kids and I couldn’t be more thankful for God’s provision that day!

Dad would be the first to say we shouldn’t walk around looking for a sign to make every decision. The point being, God’s a good shepherd and He directs our steps from a far better vantage point. God works within the foreordained decision-making process of humanity to guide our individual steps culminating with His divine purposes for all creation (Eph. 1:11). All the while working in conjunction with our free will not in contrast to; a paradox I’ve come to accept. A divine care so strong it encapsulates the freely made choices of His children.

The other story came from the pastor emeritus of my church and equally drew my attention to the providence of God. I was curious about the history of our church and the personal history of a great man. I wanted to know what it was like back in the formative days so we discussed it over lunch. After balancing life as a prof and pastoring a small church plant for several months, he decided to hand off the pastorate to another man. Just as the process was nearing completion, the other man decided not to pursue the role, and my pastor emeritus eventually went into pastoral ministry rather than continuing in academia. What seemed to be a setback was the providence of God bringing about something far greater than anyone could have seen at the time! I don’t know who that young man was but his decision that day is still impacting me and a host of others forty years later.

My hope is not to put more pressure on us in the decision-making process but to free us up to rest peacefully in the providence of God. It’s a doctrine of our faith assuring us of God’s commitment to bring about His good in our lives despite momentary uncertainty. God’s providence is an unstoppable force cooperating with, not necessarily approving of, every deed to bring about His divine purpose.

If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it. -Toni Morrison

Help me rest in the providence of God.             

Craig Rush