To shape or be shaped? That is the Question
It’s interesting how weather plays into our behaviors. As the weather cools and days shorten, about the only thing increasing is my appetite! I enjoy the change of seasons, but shorter days seem to take a toll on motivation. Mix in some rain and it really gets tough!
Yesterday, I was greeted by spitting rain as I opened the back door. The threshold suddenly represented more than a physical delineation of space. The threshold became the intersection of circumstance and behavior. Would I prioritize the circumstance or the behavior of what I knew would lead to the true desired outcome?
I closed the door and retreated quickly back to bed! I’m just teasing. I stepped out into the very light rain and did my early morning exercise because I refused to let the circumstance dictate my behavior.
Our behaviors can be funny, unassuming little things, but like interest, have compounding results! We tend to underestimate the power of a behavior in the moment, yet those very behaviors begin to form the patterns of our lives. There is a mindset that applies to behaviors across the board, and it impacts our lives spiritually, physically, and emotionally. The mindset is how much power we give to the circumstance. Do we prioritize our behavior, or do we prioritize our circumstance? We may not intuitively think about this mindset as much as we should, but it’s a big deal.
The unexpected will happen in life and there will be circumstances beyond our control. None of us have the luxury of a totally proactive life but the opposite is also true. None of us have the misfortune of having a totally reactive life. God grants us the ability to make choices, and those choices have a significant bearing on our circumstances.
One of Satan’s greatest lies is to convince us we are powerless in the face of life’s circumstances. Our behaviors, no matter how small or big, begin to compound and shape the circumstances of our lives. The wisdom of God’s word reminds us that behaviors form patterns and patterns form habits. The habits of our lives will eventually develop our character and legacy. Our behaviors have a profound way of shaping our circumstances.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding: in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
It’s natural to view our behaviors in response to our circumstances but it’s not the best view. The best view is to see our behaviors through the goodness of God and experience His power in shaping our circumstances. Even when life gives us rain or a storm, leaning into behaviors that honor God will make our paths straight.